Start Your Free Trial

15-Day Trial
No Credit Card Required
25 Free Credits


Please note: The phone number you supply is the only number you’ll be able to send test SMS during your trial.
If you would like to request a different or additional numbers for testing please contact Sales.
Trial accounts will remain active for 15 days, contact Sales for exceptions.

By proceeding to create your account and use CompleteSMS you are consenting to receive
account-based and marketing-related materials from Red Oxygen via email or SMS.
Standard rates may apply. Text STOP to Opt-out at any time.


Would you like a free demo? We can show you around a little before you create yet another password.


Free Trial FAQs

What are credits?

Credits are used like SMS currency. You purchase credits (or in the case of the free trial, you’ll get 25 free credits), and then every time you send you ‘spend’ a credit.

Typically one SMS will equal one credit if sending nationally/locally, and two credits when sending internationally. (There are some cases where is will be more or less, but they are rare, contact Red Oxygen if you have any questions.)


Your message has three SMS parts (over 306 ASCII characters) your credits spent will be three.

Your message has less than 160 characters it would only cost 1 credit to send it locally.


Why was I charged more then one credit if I sent locally.

In most cases, especially during a trial, since you can only send to yourself (a local send), this is due to sending more than one SMS part in your message. One SMS is 160 characters (Unicode characters are counted as 70 characters = 1 credit).

If you sent a local message with more than 160 characters, the message will be considered multi-part and will then be charged at one credit per part. Red Oxygen supports 765 characters which would equal 5 SMS credits (10 if sent internationally).


Why are my messages failing?

On a trial account you can only send to the phone number that you signed up with on your trial form, so only sending to yourself, if you try to send to someone else, it will fail.

If you’d like to test by sending to someone else, please contact support by calling, chatting or submitting a form.

If you are using a paid account and having issues with failing, please contact support and they will assist with tracking down the issue.


What if I don't have a company domain email address?

If you’re trying to sign up with a gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc free domain email addresses, you’ll need to contact us and we’ll help you set up your trial.

Is a trial on CompleteSMS the same as on Red Oxygen?

CompleteSMS is a Red Oxygen solution, but they are on different platforms, so they are different experiences. If you have tried Red Oxygen you can set up a trial on CompleteSMS with the same information.

If you already have a paid Red Oxygen plan, please contact your Sales representative for assistance when setting up a trial account for CompleteSMS.

Can I test bulk sends on a trial account?

You sure can! On the CompleteSMS interface you have the option of single/mailing list SMS sends or bulk sends which utilizes information uploaded from a spreadsheet.

You can even test the API with this same account—API documentation.


How do I upgrade to a paid account?

Check out our pricing page to see if an existing bundle will work for your needs or if you need us to create a customized bundle just for you. Then contact Sales and they’ll get you set up.

Already have a Red Oxygen Account? Contact Support and they'll help you get it migrated to CompleteSMS.