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It’s Not a Developer Problem

Developer sitting at their desk with arms crossed.
August 4, 2022

So, what’s the problem? Due to 10dlc, when your customers send SMS, it’s costing you money that you’re likely not recouping. This is a business problem that effects your bottom line. What’s your SMS billing solution?   With two decades of SMS and telco experience under our belt and 10dlc regulations tightening, we saw this […]

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How NOT to Send SMS Messages

June 14, 2022

As you’re crafting your SMS marketing strategy, you want to avoid some approaches that could cause legal complications or decrease audience engagement. From the 2003 Australia Spam Act to recent 10dlc U.S. carrier regulations, legislative bodies worldwide are implementing measures to penalize and prevent spam messages. It’s wise to be aware of the red flags these regulatory bodies look […]

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