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Group vs. Bulk Texting

Mass text messaging
August 28, 2022

Group texts and bulk text, we’ve all experienced both, but may not know how very different they are.  Group texts are obvious, they contain two or more names or numbers in the ‘to’ field. If sent by my sister-in-law, I would say there are way too many names and numbers in the ‘to’ field…organizing a […]

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Tips for Higher Open Rates: Personalization

Person constructing words with plastic lettering
January 3, 2023

An astounding 6.38 billion people use smartphones every day, and experts predict that number will rise to 7.52 billion in the next five years. With so many people attached to their phones throughout the day, it makes sense that the best way to reach your customers is via SMS texts. In an age of over-communication, […]

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Why You Need an MSP for SMS Billing and Compliance

January 31, 2023

Business SMS billing and compliance is complicated, an MSP can help. With recent SMS application-to-person (A2P) rules and regulations giving companies whiplash by adding fees, removing fees, changing fees…and dates, campaign registration updates, etc…too many to list even, now is the time to be looking for an SMS billing and compliance managed service provider (MSP). […]

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Why Should You Use an SMS Provider Instead of Your Personal Cell Number?

Why Would You Use an SMS Provider?
January 23, 2024

Texting has become a major communication channel for customers and businesses, but using a regular cell phone number isn’t an ideal solution. It can open you and your employees up to data insecurity, visibility and work-life separation issues. Instead, consider using a short message service (SMS) provider designed for business communications. Business text messaging can […]

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