Category: Benefits of SMS Marketing

Man on phone

SMS: The Gateway to More Sales

By:  Amy Dean - COO/Marketing Specialist  |  April 25, 2022

It’s the future of mass advertising. Across industries, businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and using Short Message Service (SMS) as part of their advertising campaign. SMS is efficient, attention-generating and highly cost-effective, helping your business reach your audience more quickly and accessibly. When you take advantage of SMS, you use a gateway provider to […]

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hands holding a cellphone

In SMS Marketing, Timing Is Everything

By:  Amy Dean - COO/Marketing Specialist  |  January 10, 2022

If you get a message at 3 a.m. from one of your vendors, you probably won’t answer it. You want the companies you work with to respect your time, and you need information that conveniently fits your daily schedule and workflow. These same considerations are true for your clients. They want reliable timelines and messaging […]

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Woman on phone recieving a message

10 Reasons to Use SMS Mobile Marketing

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  November 1, 2021

With the ever-present use of cell phones, smartphones and flip-phones alike, the rise in  SMS mobile marketing was inevitable. The efficiency and effectiveness of these SMS text message marketing services and wares of your favorite stores and brands is huge compared to the minimal cost and effort of sending the message itself. It’s an excellent way to […]

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SMS for Unions

5 ways SMS Can Streamline Communications to Union Members

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  October 25, 2021

So much information, so little time…but SMS text messages can help you alleviate information fatigue.  Email, the tried and… over-tried and often ignored method of communicating to your union members is just not cutting it anymore. People are looking for quick easily digestible bits of information with a clear path to action.  SMS text messaging […]

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Women holding a cellphone

How SMS Can Improve the Customer Experience

By:  Amy Dean - COO/Marketing Specialist  |  October 14, 2021

Short message service has changed the way we communicate—with each other and with businesses. It can play a central role in a customer service strategy by offering a quick, convenient communication method. And customers are much more responsive to it. Gartner found that SMS messaging has response rates as high as 45% and open rates […]

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