Category: Industry News

Are Your SMS Campaigns FCC and 10DLC Compliant?

Are Your SMS Campaigns FCC and 10DLC Compliant?

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  January 9, 2023

Short message service (SMS)—or text messaging—is one of the fastest-growing forms of communication for businesses globally. Because many customers prefer using text messages over other platforms, companies everywhere are centering their correspondence platforms around SMS. For businesses new to text messaging, it’s vital to understand compliance laws before diving headfirst into an SMS marketing campaign. […]

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Messages to Customers in the U.S. being blocked?

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  November 7, 2022

As the U.S. continues to update regulations for A2P (application to person) SMS sends, other countries are experiencing the ripple effect.  Are your messages getting blocked? Here’s why. Yes, companies in the U.S. sending A2P SMS messages have to register their numbers and campaigns with the U.S. cellular carriers through The Campaign Registry (TCR). Also, […]

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