Search Results


Gyms and Fitness Centers

women on phone in the gym
October 3, 2022

Gyms and Fitness Centers. As a gym owner, you know the importance of gaining and retaining gym members. Boost your numbers by introducing short message services (SMS) into your fitness center's daily routine. With SMS for gyms, you can improve communications with your customers in a fast, convenient way that'll keep them coming back.

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Man with red headphones on computer.
August 28, 2022

SMS for Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies. Building channels of open, two-way communication between your care team and customers is key to customer satisfaction, especially for software companies. SMS services excel at streamlining that communication—audiences take an average of 90 seconds to respond to a text message versus 90 minutes for an email.

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Business SMS

women in red sweater on phone
July 18, 2022

Business SMS . Red Oxygen has helped businesses send more than 400 million messages. Our SMS platform for business makes it easy to send personalized messages. 

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Media and Entertainment

Media and Entertainment
July 13, 2023

SMS for Media and Entertainment. Improve customer experience and simplify employee communications with short message service (SMS) for the media and entertainment industry. Red Oxygen's SMS solutions are powerful and scalable, allowing you to increase revenues and productivity while boosting your company's outcomes. Learn more about using text messaging to connect with customers and make your employees' lives easier.

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