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Churches & Religious Organizations SMS

Church with Red roof
March 23, 2022

SMS for Churches and Religious Organizations. Our phones follow us everywhere. In fact, studies show that on average people check their phones 344 times a day. Connection is essential for churches and religious organizations like yours. There is no better way to increase community engagement than by meeting their members where they are—on their phones.

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June 17, 2022

Red Oxygen Errors List Code Description 2000 A System Error has occurred please submit a support ticket or call the office immediately to have these issues resolved. 2001 The Red Oxygen database does not recognize your email address {(EMAIL)}, for {(DOMAIN)}. Make sure that the email address you are sending from is registered under your […]

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Restaurants SMS

Restaurant host
August 21, 2022

SMS for Restaurants. In food and beverage service, restaurant owners have to consider customer interactions and employee organization to run their businesses. While you can use phone calls, emails, and mailers to boost sales, these methods take time and aren't always reliable. With SMS solutions from Red Oxygen, you can contact people through text on the device they[...]

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Jewelry Stores SMS

Text message solution for Jewelry Stores
April 20, 2022

SMS for Jewelry Stores. While other jewelry stores opt for email to contact customers, you can get ahead of the curve with sending short message service (SMS) texts. Considering how many people own a smartphone, you should take advantage of this opportunity. Reach your customers and clients in new ways with text messages.

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couple in grocery store on cellphone
October 4, 2022

Franchises. As a franchisor, your business must stand out from the competition. That's why many franchises graduate from traditional marketing channels to more effective communication methods. Among these, short message service (SMS) for franchises have emerged as a successful means of engaging customers.

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