Category: 10dlc

AI robot hand and human hand getting ready to shake hands

AI and SMS Compliance

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  September 19, 2023

A2P (application to person) SMS regulations have recently had an onslaught of changes coming in rapid succession, making compliance an uphill battle for companies that think they can do this without implementing some new technology to their infrastructure. Enter AI. Yes, artificial intelligence. It’s already saturating the SMS market when it comes to chatbots and […]

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FCC SMS Compliance

Quick Guide to FCC SMS Compliance

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant  |  September 12, 2023

SMS messages help you reach customers quickly and efficiently. People like getting text messages and are often more responsive to them than to other forms of communication, such as emails or phone calls. However, for every company that’s using texting legitimately, many others are using the communication method for malevolent reasons. Scam text messages have […]

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Tommy Sheahan CEO of Red Oxygen

Tom Sheahan was a guest on The Dirt podcast

May 25, 2023

 The Dirt podcast covers stories of entrepreneurs who have been through it all, they discuss all things business and what these entrepreneurs learned on their path to successfully scaling their businesses. Tom was invited to join Jim Barnish on episode 63 to talk about Tom’s journey with A2P SMS, his learnings, his failures and […]

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