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Event Management & Planning

Event Management & Planning
July 13, 2023

SMS for Event Management & Planning. From promoting your next big event to coordinating volunteers and staff, you need a way to get organized and sell tickets. Red Oxygen's short message service (SMS) lets you streamline communications while increasing engagement with event guests and staff.

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SMS for Human Resources

Human resources SMS
June 25, 2024

SMS for Human Resources. Entire organizations depend on human resources professionals like you. With short message service (SMS) solutions for human resources, the way you reach individuals and large groups changes for the better. The experts at Red Oxygen help you get the most from technology that lets you send texts from a computer to one or more mobile[...]

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July 13, 2023

SMS for Utilities. Whether you provide water, gas or electricity, your customers want to know when something is going on with their utility provider. Short message service (SMS) lets utility companies send bulk messages to customers when needed, plus personalized messages about specific account details. Red Oxygen's SMS solutions help to improve customer experience and satisfaction. Learn more[...]

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SMS for Libraries

Phone and library book
June 25, 2024

SMS for Libraries. Your library could have hundreds or thousands of members. Having a way to stay in touch with library cardholders about updates, open hours, early closing times and events keeps your audience up to speed. Thanks to Red Oxygen, you're capable of configuring short message service (SMS) for public libraries. Whether you want to send a[...]

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