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Increasing Communication Between Doctor and Patient

Woman using a laptop with a stethoscope sitting next to her.
January 21, 2021

With many patients considering their phones a staple in their lives, healthcare providers can use SMS (short message service) to stay in contact with their patients. Also known as text messages, SMS allows for fast, convenient, and comprehensive communication. Discover the benefits of health SMS inpatient correspondence and how you can take advantage of it […]

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Why SMS Is Great for Customer Support

Why SMS Is Great for Customer Support
December 7, 2023

Short message service (SMS), better known as text messaging, is one of the best ways for businesses to connect with their consumers. From sharing order confirmations to sending appointment reminders, your company can transform how it interacts with and supports its customers. Here, we are breaking down why SMS is great for customer support and […]

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Utilize the Smart Watch Boom to Increase Your Customer Engagement

Utilize the Smart Watch Boom to Increase Your Customer Engagement
August 22, 2023

Your business’s success depends on regular customer engagement. Texting is one way to reach your customers and feel confident they’re reading your messages. With the rise in popularity of smartwatches, your messages are even more likely to be seen by the recipients, even when they aren’t using their phones. What Are Smartwatches? Smartwatches do much […]

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How to Get More 5-Star Reviews

How to Get More 5 Star Reviews
February 19, 2024

We probably don’t need to tell you that good online reviews are great for business—but what about the stellar reviews? A five-star review is a glowing recommendation of your product or service, and each one gets you closer to the top of search results and industry recognition. Getting these reviews will take some planning, but […]

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The Key to Sending Links in Your SMS Without Being Blocked

Red key being held in front of mountains
March 21, 2022

Red Oxygen has enforced anti-spam regulations since our inception, over 20 years ago. We like to think we made the initiative cool but there’s no written proof, so formal credit probably goes to the Spam Act of 2003 from the Australian government, and the CTIA in the US has backed it up with vigor.  Now […]

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