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Don’t Let SMS Regulations Hurt Your Business—Podcast Part 1

Telecom Reseller Podcast cover art, digital world image and words
January 21, 2024

Doug Green from Telecom Reseller in conjunction with Cloud Communications Alliance interview Tom Sheahan in part 1 of a 3-part podcast series to discuss SMS regulations and how The Campaign Registry are making changes in the industry that everyone using application to person SMS software to send messages to customers or employees needs to hear […]

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How to Keep Your SMS Messages From Being Blocked

Women on phone and computer
February 28, 2022

Short message service (SMS) marketing involves sending promotional campaigns or transactional messages for marketing purposes through text messages. These messages often communicate time-sensitive offers, updates and alerts to people who have consented to receive notifications from your business. SMS marketing has become much more popular recently because of its higher success rates over traditional forms […]

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June 17, 2022

Perl API The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from Perl is to use the HTTP interface. You must have the LWP module present in your Perl installation to be able to send via HTTP. Example sub SendSMS { my $Browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; (my $AccountID, my $Email, my $Password, my $Recipient, my $Message) = […]

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