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Band-Aids Inspired by Text Messages

band aid
August 22, 2012

Over the years there have been numerous Band-Aid designs, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or Batman, that help little kids remember to cover small arm and knee scrapes. Today we found a new design by TXTpressions that use common text message expressions and function as arm art. Bringing the popularity of text messages into an […]

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Schedule SMS

June 17, 2022

  Guide to Send Scheduled SMS in Outlook 2010 Make sure you keep your Outlook running when scheduled SMS need to be sent out. 1. Click “File” on New Text Message window 2.Click “Properties” 3.Tick “Do not deliver before”, choose a correct date and time to set up scheduled SMS Make sure your Outlook is […]

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5 ways SMS Can Streamline Communications to Union Members

SMS for Unions
October 25, 2021

So much information, so little time…but SMS text messages can help you alleviate information fatigue.  Email, the tried and… over-tried and often ignored method of communicating to your union members is just not cutting it anymore. People are looking for quick easily digestible bits of information with a clear path to action.  SMS text messaging […]

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ClueCon 2024

Circle 4 logo
July 10, 2024

Red Oxygen to Speak About Digital Regulation at ClueCon in Chicago   SAN FRANCISCO (July 10, 2024) – Red Oxygen, a leading short message service (SMS) solutions provider, is proud to announce its CEO and Co-founder will be speaking at ClueCon, a technology conference for developers. Tom Sheahan will share insight about digital regulation for […]

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