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The Basics of SMS Business Marketing

SMS Marketing Tips
March 14, 2022

Leveraging SMS as part of your marketing strategy should be simple and convenient. Your system should work seamlessly with your operations and help your company enhance client and employee communications. Whatever your business goals, knowing how SMS marketing works and how to apply it in your company can help you move forward. You want solutions […]

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Tips for Higher Open Rates: Personalization

Person constructing words with plastic lettering
January 3, 2023

An astounding 6.38 billion people use smartphones every day, and experts predict that number will rise to 7.52 billion in the next five years. With so many people attached to their phones throughout the day, it makes sense that the best way to reach your customers is via SMS texts. In an age of over-communication, […]

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10 Tips for Getting Your Message Out With SMS

SMS Marketings Tips
April 23, 2021

Text messaging is the most used data service in the world. People around the globe send 8 trillion texts every year—more than 15 thousand texts every minute of every day. Emails often get lost in the glut of messages received every day. But people tend to look at and respond to texts as they come in. So […]

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Increasing Black Friday Sales Using SMS

Black Friday SMS
November 11, 2022

The holidays are important to all types of businesses due to the rise in gift shopping. Many companies use this time to introduce seasonal deals to encourage more sales. While your marketing strategy in-store and online are valuable, introducing SMS techniques can increase your sales even further. Check out some of our holiday SMS ideas […]

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