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What is the 10dlc Registration Process?

Man registering 10DLC
September 6, 2022

What is 10dlc registration? In short: The 10dlc (10-digit long code) registration process is a way to supply the carriers with the information they need to provide your business fast SMS throughput and message management without spam getting in the way. This doesn’t mean you’ll get the fastest throughput, but it does mean they aim […]

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What Exactly is Red Oxygen?

May 17, 2012

Red oxygen crystal. Photo from the American Institute of Physics. Red Oxygen is more than just an international SMS provider and an awesome Australian band; it’s what happens to oxygen (O2) molecules when submitted to pressures above 10 GPa. Once under pressure, the O2 molecules condense to a pale blue liquid, then a pale blue […]

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Thank You!

January 13, 2021

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