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Global Reach With SMS

July 30, 2024

Regardless of your industry, effectively reaching individuals is crucial to your communication and overall business success. With SMS communication, you can easily and seamlessly send messages to your customers, clients, staff and others. This versatile communication tool can even reach individuals on a global level, making it possible to expand your business’s reach and presence[...]

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Customized SMS Solutions

creating an action plan
August 25, 2021

Make an appointment with a Red Oxygen Optimized consultant Discuss your hopes and dreams with the ROO consultant We’ll get back to you with a proposal of cost and time Once approved, we’ll work with you on an implementation plan, as to keep any service interruptions to a minimum. You can start ruling the world[...]

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Using Text to Make Residence Life Communication Easier

Using Text to Make Residence Life Communication Easier
August 19, 2024

Using Text to Make Residence Life Communication Easier Most college students are “traditional” students—recent high school graduates between 18 and 24 years old. These students typically carry their phones everywhere they go. So, it’s only natural that texting is the best way to get in touch with them. Res Life directors can keep students safe and […]

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Complete Guide to SMS for Banks

September 25, 2023

SMS for banks has been traditionally used as a convenient method for customers to perform banking-related activities, allowing financial institutions to send or receive instructions from customers. This is just one way that mobile SMS banking has enhanced relationships with customers—but there is more! Organizations can also use SMS to process loan applications, update customers on policy changes and […]

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