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Average Screen Time Statistics and How You Can Use Them to Improve Your Marketing

Avg Screen Time Statistics
July 2, 2024

The invention of the smartphone changed screen time and social media use as we know it. In what seemed like an overnight transformation, people could now access whatever they needed in the palm of their hand. Though smartphone and social media use are not the only forms of screen time, they significantly increased during the early days of […]

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Moving in the Right Direction

Wide angle view of dog in box
August 17, 2021

We did it.  We packed up our hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes, computers and monitors, mini trash can basketball hoop and coffee maker. And we gave our employees a scheduled move out time to make sure we were adhering to COVID protocol. With the office cleaned, and belongings gathered, we unlocked the door to our […]

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Red Oxygen Webinar—The Cost of Blocked Texts

Circle 4 logo
February 7, 2024

SAN FRANCISCO (February 8, 2024) – Red Oxygen, a leading short message service (SMS) solutions provider, announces an upcoming webinar with Gaingels, an LGBTQIA+/Allies private investment syndicate and one of the largest private investors dedicated to supporting diversity and inclusion within the venture capital ecosystem. In the webinar, Red Oxygen CEO Tom Sheahan will discuss […]

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