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Dedicated Numbers & Call Forwarding

Man with red hat and cell phone.
October 22, 2020

Static, unique phone numbers can be purchased to use for all your inbound and outbound messaging. They’re an optional extra, if you want more than come with your selected Red Oxygen plan. Without one, your outgoing SMS will be delivered to recipients from different numbers every time. Although message recipients can still reply back to[...]

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A2P vs. P2P: Main Differences and Considerations

A2P vs P2P
April 25, 2024

Effective communication is integral to business success. Your company can leverage short message service (SMS) messages to connect with customers, employees, vendors and other stakeholders. SMS is engaging, efficient and easy to master with the right tools. However, different types of SMS are better suited for certain uses and offer distinct advantages. Explore the key […]

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A Guide to Sending Text Blasts

A Guide to Sending Text Blasts
November 6, 2023

Today, people are constantly checking their push notifications and scrolling on their phones. In 2021 alone, Americans sent and received a whopping 2 trillion text messages. Businesses are learning to take advantage of the time and attention consumers spend on their mobile devices with text blasts. Some short message service (SMS) providers allow businesses to […]

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Red Oxygen on neonVest’s Podcast

Image of Tom Sheahan or Red Oxygen and Aakash Shah of neonVest
April 25, 2023

 When you have the chance to chat with the co-founder of a VC supercharger about two of your favorite topics, SMS and funding, you do it. Tom Sheahan, our CEO, and Aakash Shah, the co-founder of neonVest discuss a wide range of topics from: SMS and the changing regulations. Should it or will regulations […]

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