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How SMS Can Improve the Customer Experience

Women holding a cellphone
October 14, 2021

Short message service has changed the way we communicate—with each other and with businesses. It can play a central role in a customer service strategy by offering a quick, convenient communication method. And customers are much more responsive to it. Gartner found that SMS messaging has response rates as high as 45% and open rates […]

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Red Oxygen COVID release_032421

May 11, 2021

Red Oxygen COVID release_032421 Press release describing how our clients are utilizing texting and Red Oxygen to send messages about COVID-19 vaccines.

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The Beginner’s Guide to SMS That Actually Works 

The Beginner's Guide to SMS That Actually Works
April 25, 2023

Strengthening relationships with your customers is critical to your business’s continued success, and with the rise of technology comes new ways to drive engagement. There were about two trillion text messages sent in the United States in 2021, showing that text messages are a valuable channel for customer engagement. Short message service (SMS) campaigns can […]

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Visual Basic.NET

June 17, 2022

Visual Basic .NET API The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from VB.NET is to use the HTTP interface. Example Public Shared Function SendSms(ByVal AccountID As String, ByVal Email As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal Recipient As String, ByVal Message As String) As Integer   Dim Client As WebClient = New WebClient Dim […]

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Ways SMS Allows Business to Reach Gen Z

Women on phone
April 12, 2022

Ways SMS Allows Businesses to Reach Gen Z According to recent research from the National Census Bureau, more than half of the total U.S. population now consists of Millennials and younger. Most of us are already familiar with Millennials, but what about their successors? Generation Z, also called Zoomers, Gen Z, Centennials and iGen, are the new […]

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