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June 17, 2022

C++ API The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from Visual C++ is to use the Red Oxygen DLL. Example int SendSMS(char *AccountID, char *EmailAddress, char *Password, char *Recipient, char *Message) { HMODULE RedOxygenLibrary; SendSMSFunction *SendSMS; int Result;   RedOxygenLibrary = LoadLibrary(“redoxygen.dll”); SendSMS = (SendSMSFunction *) GetProcAddress(RedOxygenLibrary, “SendSMS”);   Result = SendSMS(AccountID, EmailAddress, […]

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Java API The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from Java is to use the HTTP interface. Example public static int SendSMS(String AccountID, String Email, String Password, String Recipient, String Message, StringBuffer Response) { String RequestURL = “”;   String Data = (“AccountId=” + URLEncoder.encode(AccountID, “UTF-8”)); Data += (“&Email=” + URLEncoder.encode(Email, “UTF-8”)); Data += […]

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Ways to Engage Fans at Sporting Events With SMS

Ways to Engage Fans at Sporting Events With SMS
June 24, 2024

In-game experiences and entertainment have come a long way, but one thing remains constant—fans are the lifeblood of any team. Fan engagement creates a community and significantly contributes to a sports organization’s revenue and popularity. Personalized interactions can make people feel more connected to the teams they love. This increased loyalty can translate into more […]

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