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Government Agencies SMS

March 8, 2022

SMS Solutions for Government Agencies. Send and receive text messages to your staff and community from your computer.

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SMS for Insurance

women on cellphone in parking lot
February 17, 2023

SMS for Insurance . With short message service (SMS) from Red Oxygen, you can keep clients up to date on their claims and quickly build relationships with leads. Our SMS solutions enhance the customer experience and help you retain current clients. Learn more about how it works.

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Spas and Salons

Spas and Salons
July 13, 2023

SMS for Spas and Salons. As the owner of a spa or salon, you know it's important to retain clients and attract new ones. Short message service (SMS) texts streamline client communication, making it easy to confirm or reschedule appointments. You can also use SMS to manage employees, increasing your staff retention rate and making your spa or salon even[...]

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Jewelry Stores SMS

Text message solution for Jewelry Stores
April 20, 2022

SMS for Jewelry Stores. While other jewelry stores opt for email to contact customers, you can get ahead of the curve with sending short message service (SMS) texts. Considering how many people own a smartphone, you should take advantage of this opportunity. Reach your customers and clients in new ways with text messages.

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