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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

June 17, 2022

  Guide to Integrate Red Oxygen with ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus   1. Log in to your ServiceDesk Plus as an administrator 2. Click “Admin” tab 3. Within Helpdesk section, click “Mail Server Settings” 4. Set up your Outgoing Emails, click “save” to apply your changes Please note: the email address that you put in “Reply-to Address” must be registered […]

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SMS vs. RCS, what’s the big deal?

May 15, 2024

. Perception: The new kid on the block: RCS Old man telling the kid to get off his lawn: SMS Reality: Only sort of. First off, RCS (Rich Communications Services) Protocol has been around since 2008, but didn’t really start making a fuss until 2016, when the Google Pixel smartphone came to the market.. So […]

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June 17, 2022

Delphi API The best way to use the Red Oxygen API from Delphi is to use the Red Oxygen DLL. Example function SendSMS ( AccountId : String; Email : String; Password : String; Recipient : String; Message : String) : Integer; stdcall; external ‘redoxygen.dll’;   procedure SendMessage (AccountID, Email, Password, Recipient, Message : String)   var […]

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Maybe We Signed Up Too Soon

Red Oxygen mark with face mask
September 15, 2021

Maybe we jumped the gun and signed up for trade shows too soon…we thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel…until we didn’t. All of the U.S. Red Oxygen team (Australia has had a different roll-out schedule than the U.S.) has voluntarily received their vaccinations…so when the possibility of attending or exhibiting […]

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SMS: The Gateway to More Sales

Man on phone
April 25, 2022

It’s the future of mass advertising. Across industries, businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and using Short Message Service (SMS) as part of their advertising campaign. SMS is efficient, attention-generating and highly cost-effective, helping your business reach your audience more quickly and accessibly. When you take advantage of SMS, you use a gateway provider to […]

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