How SMS Can Make This Tax Season Easier

By:  Amy Dean - COO/Marketing Specialist

How SMS Can Make This Tax Season Easier

Tax season is a hectic time for tax professionals and taxpayers alike. Luckily, adding SMS as a means of communication you can make tax preparation easier for you and your customers.

SMS, better known as texting, offers you the ease reaching out to customers where they are, and your customers’ stress level can be lessened with the familiarity of a text. Learn how SMS can make this tax season a breeze.

Promote Your Services

You can attract new clients and assist existing ones by sending text promotions through SMS. Marketing your tax preparation services is an affordable and effective way of getting in front of your current customers on a regular basis. Simple tax tips or advertising discounts to those the set up appointments early will keep you top of mind when customers feel the pressure of tax season arriving.

Send Reminders

When deadlines and document requirements start piling up, taxpayers can easily become overwhelmed. And when clients miss their appointments or forget to bring the required records, the filing process can become even more complicated. On the flip side—no-shows and unprepared clients can cost your tax preparation business money.

Using SMS for tax services, you can minimize these stressors by sending helpful text reminders. You can use SMS messages to remind taxpayers of:

  • Upcoming appointment dates and times
  • Required documents needed for appointments
  • Missing paperwork they still need to provide

Update and Notify Clients

Most taxpayers want to know their tax return status after the filing process has begun. You can keep your clients informed by sending regular updates and notifications through SMS. With this technology, you can:

  • Alert clients when the process has stalled due to missing documentation
  • Update clients on their tax return status
  • Notify clients when their tax return is ready

Improve Communication

Improve Communication

Studies show that 90% of individuals open text messages within three minutes, while only 20% open emails at all. You can reach your clients more dependably this tax season by communicating via SMS texts instead of emails or phone calls. Text messages simplify and streamline interactions between you and your customers, making your job easier by ensuring that taxpayers get the information they need quickly and effectively.

Increase Customer Loyalty

Communicating with your clients using SMS helps strengthen business-client relationships through personalized messaging. Individualized texts make customers feel like more than just a number, increasing their trust and loyalty to your business. Establishing a good rapport with your clients helps you retain customers and initiate business growth the following tax season.

Invest in SMS for Tax Preparation Services Today

You can tackle tax season confidently by facilitating client communication with SMS messages through Red Oxygen. We’ve spent over 20 years providing companies with out-of-the-box SMS solutions that make messaging seamless.

Contact us to learn more about our offerings today!

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