Moving in the Right Direction

By:  Tim Hunt - CTO/Co-founder

We did it. 

We packed up our hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes, computers and monitors, mini trash can basketball hoop and coffee maker. And we gave our employees a scheduled move out time to make sure we were adhering to COVID protocol.

With the office cleaned, and belongings gathered, we unlocked the door to our new office. It was just next door…literally, next door in the same building. But bigger and better for our growing Brisbane team. And we’re thrilled to have made the move.

Moving Forward.

Moving never goes as smoothly as you’d like, even when the new office door is 10ft away from the old one. Of course the COVID-factor was our biggest contender, relentlessly handing over challenge after challenge, but we dealt with all of it head on.

Red Oxygen's Brisbane office reception desk

Our concern for our employees’ safety is #1—seriously, we don’t mess around.So when it came to moving even our 10-person Brisbane office, we scheduled folks in shifts, as not to have too many people in the office at once. Planning and minimizing the 2-person item moves as much as possible, to allow for social distancing. And, adding creature comforts for those who do work in the office on occasion, to keep it from feeling like a sterile hospital room.

Some might ask why?

Why move during COVID? Why move to a bigger office when everyone knows things will forever and always be a hybrid work situation? WFH and WFO will now be commonplace as our status notes in Slack. 

We answer you with….because.

Because … our old place was just. too. small.
Because … sometimes people don’t want to work from home or a coffee shop all the time.
Because … learning from each other in-person strengthens the bond.
… what better place to all order lunchtime takeaway from different locations, but gather around the same conference room table to eat it?
Because … sometimes you all need to see the same physical whiteboard, smell the same write-on/wipe-off markers.
Because … we need a space to air grievances and celebrate victories.
Because … it’s something ‘normal’ in our current world of ‘whackado’
Because … the company needs an always-ready launch pad.
Because … our team also needs a safe landing pad.

Because…just because.

Conference room of Red Oxygen's Brisbane office office with a view in Red Oxygen's Brisbane location

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