The FCC Speaks Up

By:  Brenton Milne - Consultant

While the FCC has had long standing rulings about robocalling, they’ve finally stepped up to enforce rules about robotexting. Making the carriers responsible for blocking texts sent from invalid, unallocated, or unused numbers that are likely scams/illegal messages. But that doesn’t mean messages sent on the up-and-up, like your messages, won’t get blocked in the flurry of managing the bad guys.

Compliance is Key

This ruling to block the robotexting scammers and spammers has a trickle down effect, as the mobile networks get more heat about scams, so do SMS providers. Most mobile networks are already blocking industry regulated ‘unregistered’ phone numbers (10dlc and toll-free), meaning all businesses that use SMS for any reason (e.g., marketing, internal communications or even 2-factor authentication) need to have all of their business and numbers registered to stay compliant.

Red Oxygen has always been diligent with upholding the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act and Australia’s Spam Act 2003 and abiding by the CTIA guidelines and requiring that our customers do the same. Anyone that send business SMS should be aware of these as well.

And we’ve been on top of the TCR (The Campaign Registry) registration game since day one (that was back in 2020) for A2P 10dlc (application to person 10-digit long code) along with the newly required toll-free registration requirements. Red Oxygen will do the heavy lifting for you.

Our customers are prepared.

Are you?




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