It’s Not a Developer Problem

By:  Tom Sheahan - CEO/Co-founder

So, what’s the problem?

Due to 10dlc, when your customers send SMS, it’s costing you money that you’re likely not recouping. This is a business problem that effects your bottom line. What’s your SMS billing solution?


With two decades of SMS and telco experience under our belt and 10dlc regulations tightening, we saw this problem coming from a mile away. 

Where’s the money going?

Well, when you receive your SMS invoice today, it most likely has a lump sum quantity of SMS sent by all of your customers, maybe showing SMS replies, maybe showing SMS blocked…with a total cost from the provider, and an additional line item of surcharges from the carriers. Then…

If you’ve registered your customers with The Campaign Registry (which you’re now required to do), you’re receiving another invoice from them, with registration fees, campaign fees and possible vetting fees.

If you haven’t registered your customers, “shame on you,” says the U.S. carriers (but we’ll help you with no judgement, promise), then get ready for a shocker when you do…that invoice is not cheap.

How do you recoup your costs that have been added due to 10dlc registration and fees, are you reconciling SMS with brands, brands with campaigns, campaigns with monthly fees and additional monthly fees for the occasional add-on and so on and so on? Do you compile everything and bill customers individually for what they’re using…or are you just holding your breath and hoping that the subscriptions costs are going to cover it?

Do you micro-bill?

Before you pass out, take a deep breath and hear us out. Red Oxygen can manage all of your SMS specific billing for you. All of it. We can prepare micro-bills for each of your customers, if that’s 10 or 1,000, we can make it easy AND profitable for you.

The micro-bill includes all things SMS. We prepare invoices that can line item SMS usage, add to their TCR fees (one-time and monthly), carrier fees (including T-mobile’s one-time fee – this fee has been eliminated as of September 1, 2022) and add-ons like dedicated numbers and call forwarding, so you can see what each customer is actually costing you as the SMB SaaS provider, and then you can determine how you’d like to bill the customer.

For example, if you’d like to keep your standard subscription fee in place, and just charge for overages, we can supply that information. You could pass the cost through or offer your customer special SMS packages. Easy peasy. We can hand the micro-bills (as a digital file, of course) for you to invoice your customers what you feel is appropriate, we can invoice your customers for you at your preferred rates…or we can even take on the burden of invoicing and collecting the fees off your plate completely. However you’d like the customers’ experience to play out.

When do we need to start thinking about fixing this?

Now. Check out your most recent SMS provider’s invoice…different than this time last year, right?

With the addition of The Campaign Registry process, the first SMS sent by each customer each month was just like every other SMS sent that month, pennies, now that first SMS each month costs between $2 and $10, or more. It adds up. Fast.

Why is Red Oxygen the perfect partner as your SMS billing solution?

Because that quarter of a century’s worth of industry knowledge has given us the leg up. We created our billing engine to handle just that, from the beginning of (SMS) time, when carriers were offering different SMS promotions, programs and packages, we had to make sure we had it covered from day one.

We’ve also been been registering our customers with TCR since the beginning of TCR, granted, that wasn’t that long ago, but much longer than most folks even knew it existed, so we’ve seen the growing pains and know the ins and outs of every step.

Red Oxygen offers the streamlined SMS billing solution you need to manage your customers’ SMS communication more efficiently than ever before. Partnering with Red Oxygen can offer you peace of mind and even profit sharing. Contact us today to request a demo.

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