SMS for Information Technology (IT)

Enhance your customer service by using short message service (SMS) for information technology (IT). SMS for IT lets you provide customer support, keep clients updated and verify user identities. Red Oxygen has been the world's most trusted SMS solution provider for over 20 years. Learn how to use our SMS solutions to boost your IT.

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Advantages of SMS Communications for IT

Whether it’s at a software company, a large enterprise or a financial institution, the IT department has a lot on its plate. Your IT team needs to support users and keep your systems safe. SMS lets you streamline the help desk while keeping clients up to date on product launches or downtime. Explore a few of the benefits of using SMS for IT.

Hi Bill! I am sorry to hear your computer isn't booting up. I can walk you through some steps to troubleshoot the issue.

Troubleshoot Client Problems

Troubleshoot Client Problems

When customers have tech difficulties, their problems can usually be solved with a few adjustments or tweaks. Your client can send a text to your number, and you'll receive it in your email inbox. Resolve the problem by sending your recommended steps, and if your client still needs help, they can call your dedicated texting number and get forwarded to your office phone. 

Hi Peerson IT Services Team! I am looking forward to our weekly huddle at 11 am on Zoom. Chat with everyone soon!

Organize Staff

Organize Staff

Your IT team may be far-flung, working in all parts of the world and at all times of the day. SMS allows you to send messages to your team to notify them of company policies or alert them to new meetings. You can also use SMS to set up individual meetings with employees. 

[ZipZap Managed IT] We will be completing scheduled maintenance on Thursday from 8-10 pm. You will not be able to utilize the internet during this time.

Advertise New Services

Advertise New Services

SMS can be a handy promotional tool for technology companies and IT departments. You can send out messages promoting the latest release of your software or advising clients to be on the lookout for a scheduled update or maintenance work. If your company sells software, you can use SMS to send out promotional codes.

Troubleshoot Client Problems

Hi Bill! I am sorry to hear your computer isn't booting up. I can walk you through some steps to troubleshoot the issue.

When customers have tech difficulties, their problems can usually be solved with a few adjustments or tweaks. Your client can send a text to your number, and you'll receive it in your email inbox. Resolve the problem by sending your recommended steps, and if your client still needs help, they can call your dedicated texting number and get forwarded to your office phone. 

Organize Staff

Hi Peerson IT Services Team! I am looking forward to our weekly huddle at 11 am on Zoom. Chat with everyone soon!

Your IT team may be far-flung, working in all parts of the world and at all times of the day. SMS allows you to send messages to your team to notify them of company policies or alert them to new meetings. You can also use SMS to set up individual meetings with employees. 

Advertise New Services

[ZipZap Managed IT] We will be completing scheduled maintenance on Thursday from 8-10 pm. You will not be able to utilize the internet during this time.

SMS can be a handy promotional tool for technology companies and IT departments. You can send out messages promoting the latest release of your software or advising clients to be on the lookout for a scheduled update or maintenance work. If your company sells software, you can use SMS to send out promotional codes.

How Red Oxygen’s SMS Solutions Help IT Teams

Red Oxygen’s SMS solutions make it easier than ever to interact with users and solve customers’ problems. With our industry-leading SMS, you can communicate with users through email or a web browser. You can also send bulk SMS using spreadsheets. Whether you use Gmail, Outlook or Office 365, you can connect your chosen app to our SMS solution.

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20+ years of experience

The easiest way to send SMS from a computer for over two decades.


Free software, no-charge setup

No lock-in financial contract. Free cancellation anytime.


No programming needed

Browser and off-the-shelf options makes it easy to plug and play.


Unlimited customer support

Phone, Chat or email, we're here for's free too.


Benefits of

Connection Icon Using SMS for Information Techonology

Whether it’s at a software company, a large enterprise or a financial institution, the IT department has a lot on its plate. Your IT team needs to support users and keep your systems safe. SMS lets you streamline the help desk while keeping clients up to date on product launches or downtime. Explore a few of the benefits of using SMS for IT.

  • Verify Users’ Identities Security is critical, and you need to prevent unauthorized access to users’ accounts. Two-factor authentication (2FA), sometimes called multi-factor authentication, provides an extra layer of security and minimizes unauthorized access. When a user tries to log into their account with their username and password, they must also provide a second code sent to them via text message. They can’t log in if they don’t have phone access.
  • Keep Clients Up to Date System outages happen, and sometimes you need to update infrastructure or software, which can cause downtime. SMS lets you keep your clients informed of outages and downtime. Send messages that tell them when the outage will occur and how long you expect the system to be down. If an unplanned outage occurs, SMS lets you quickly communicate with your clients, reducing the number of calls to customer service.
  • Streamline Customer Service With SMS, you can streamline your customer service. If a user wants to make an appointment with tech support, they can do so over text. Texting about a problem means they don’t have to spend minutes (or hours) on hold waiting for the next available representative.
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No Matter Your Information Technology Needs

We Have a Text Messaging Solution for You


Leverage Red Oxygen’s Powerful SMS Solutions

Red Oxygen’s SMS solution for information technology is efficient and simple. You can easily send SMS from your email, browser or third-party app without spending hours on development and coding. Improve your customer support and service by learning more about our SMS solutions today.

Contact Red Oxygen

Send SMS from Outlook

Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

Office SMS

Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

Office365 SMS

Send SMS From Gmail

Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

Gmail SMS

Send Bulk SMS

Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

Bulk SMS

Connect with our API to send SMS

Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

SMS Gateway API

Send SMS through a browser

Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.


Send SMS from Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

OfficeSMS 365 (beta)

Send SMS from Gmail

Text directly from your Gmail interface

Gmail SMS
  • Send SMS Through Email. Easy Peasy.

    Office SMS logo

    Send SMS from Outlook

    Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

    Office SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    Office365 SMS
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS From Gmail

    Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

    Gmail SMS
  • Sending Texts In Bulk?

    Bulk SMS logo

    Send Bulk SMS

    Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

    Bulk SMS
    API SMS logo

    Connect with our API to send SMS

    Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

    SMS Gateway API
  • Never Want to Leave Your Browser?

    Web SMS logo

    Send SMS through a browser

    Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.

    Web SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS from Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    OfficeSMS 365 (beta)
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS from Gmail

    Text directly from your Gmail interface

    Gmail SMS

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Need to see it to believe it?

Customer Support SMS Opt-In

Thank you for contacting our help desk! To better support you, we offer text-based customer service. If you would like one of our representatives to text you about your issue, reply YES to this message. Reply NO for us to reach out with a phone call when the next representative is available.

IT Maintenance Reminder SMS

Hi [Name]! We will be completing scheduled maintenance on [Date] from [Time]. You will not be able to utilize the internet during this time.

Let's Get Started

SMS Templates for Information Technology

Simplify outreach by tapping into our collection of ready-to-use  SMS templates.

SMS Templates