Best Practices for Business Text Messaging

By:  Amy Dean - COO/Marketing Specialist

Best Practices for Business Text Messaging

Short message service is a powerful communication vehicle that allows businesses to send and receive text messages. Whether you are coordinating schedules with your employees or sharing order confirmation details with customers, text messaging is an efficient way to connect with the people who matter most to your company.

Learning more about the best practices for SMS can help your business supercharge its communications. We are breaking down the top tips for business text messaging and some advice to help you maximize these solutions.

Business Text Messaging

In recent years, more businesses have begun reaping the benefits of SMS solutions for direct communication with customers, staff and volunteers.

More consumers have cellphones than ever before. An estimated 86.3% of Australians have smartphones in 2023, and a whopping 97% of American adults have access to a cellphone. With so much attention on our mobile devices, text messaging is the preferred communication medium for millions of people. Your business can capitalize on consumer cellphone habits and use SMS solutions to effectively connect with the people who keep your operations afloat.

How Can Businesses Use Text Messaging?

Here are some of the ways you can use texting for business communication.

  • Feedback: Companies can request and receive input, feedback and reviews from customers and employees through SMS.
  • Marketing: You can leverage SMS solutions to share marketing and sales messages directly with your target audience.
  • Invoicing: Text messaging can be a handy tool for sending invoices and payment reminders to customers.
  • Two-factor authentication: Your business can increase security measures by using SMS services for two-factor authentication.
  • Customer support: Text messaging allows businesses to streamline their customer service efforts. Your team can respond to inquiries, answer questions and help your customers resolve issues.
  • Alerts: Companies can share real-time notifications with their customers and staff through SMS.
  • Confirmation: Sending confirmation texts for things like new orders or upcoming appointments is a highly beneficial way to use SMS.
  • Follow-ups: Another way to use texting for your business is to send follow-up messages to customers or team members after a transaction, appointment or meeting.

SMS for Business Communication Best Practices

Businesses can reap many benefits from using SMS services to connect with customers and staff. Here are some best practices to help your company maximize text messaging solutions.

Learn About SMS Compliance

When using SMS, your company will need to comply with various regulations. If you break texting laws, mobile carriers will flag your messages as spam and won’t deliver them to your contacts.

Your business should also avoid using spam keywords, including:

  • 100% free
  • Cash bonus
  • Prize
  • Click now
  • Please read
  • Winner
  • No cost
  • Don’t delete

In Australia, businesses must abide by the Spam Act 2003. All messages must be welcome and include your organization’s name and opt-out options.

In the United States, businesses using SMS solutions must comply with standards set forth by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and any applicable state regulations. You’ll also need to abide by guidelines from the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association.

Always Offer Opt-In and Opt-Out Instructions

When using SMS for business communications, especially with customers, you must ask for consent first. You’ll want consumers to opt in to receive your messages. Never send unsolicited text messages from your company.

Instead, encourage people to opt into your SMS program and tell them what kind of content they can expect from your business. Also, it can be beneficial to remind people on your contact list that they opted in, so they don’t mistake your first few messages for spam.

Your company should also include instructions to opt out of receiving your SMS program.

Send Text Messages Sparingly

When crafting your SMS messages, prioritize quality over quantity. As a rule of thumb, limit text messaging to once a week, especially for marketing campaigns and promotional content.

Send Text Messages Sparingly

Your customers might unsubscribe if they receive too many texts from your business. Another helpful tip is to send your messages during peak daytime hours when people are more likely to be awake and using their mobile devices.

Craft Easy-to-Read Messages

Use easy-to-read language when your business communicates via text message. You’ll want your recipients to effortlessly understand the information and who it is from. Avoid doing things like using fragmented sentences or common texting abbreviations without vowels.

Ideally, each message would be clear and concise. The reader should be able to quickly glance at your message and feel it provides them with valuable information. Some carriers will split messages that exceed 160 characters, so limit each text’s length to avoid overloading your readers.

Use Personalization When Possible

Another best practice for your business’ SMS program is incorporating personalization whenever possible. Including information like the recipient’s first name or birthday can make your text message feel like a human is on the other end of the phone, which can encourage greater engagement.

Businesses can also use personalization to target specific segments of their customer base, according to insights such as:

  • Birthdates
  • Marital status
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Address

Your customers will feel more special and valued if your business tailors its messages according to the particular segments that relate to them.

Manage Your SMS Replies

When using SMS solutions for your company, you can often choose to send one-way or two-way messages. The latter allow recipients to respond directly and receive replies from your team.

If you use two-way messaging, read the incoming inquiries and respond to resolve problems, answer questions and foster positive relationships.

Schedule a Demo of Business Text Messaging Software Today

Business SMS is a tool for effectively connecting with your customers and employees. Red Oxygen has dynamic enterprise SMS solutions that will streamline your communication efforts.

Whether your business needs to share emergency alerts, promotional content or appointment reminders, texting is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. With Red Oxygen’s SMS software, you can track all communications and send text messages from the convenience of your computer or mobile device.

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a demo of the enterprise SMS service from Red Oxygen today!

Send Text Messages Sparingly

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