SMS Solutions for Government Agencies

Send and receive text messages to your staff and community from your computer.

Start Your Free Trial

Advantages of Texting for Public Communications

From communicating critical safety alerts to the city pool’s holiday hours, public service providers use SMS text messages to inform and connect the communities they serve. With a standard SMS text message having an open rate of 98%, and most people reading their texts within minutes of receipt, business SMS is the most efficient and effective way to get messages to the people that need to know when they need to know it.

This is a winter weather warning advisory. Expect extreme temperatures and ice. Avoid travel if possible.

Communicate Public Safety Issues 

Communicate Public Safety Issues 

Severe weather, public health concerns, and emergencies in progress require immediate communication. No one leaves home without their phones anymore, so an SMS text message is the most efficient means of communicating potential public safety hazards to residents regardless of where they are. 

Welcome to Town Tribune News Alerts, offering important local news and information via text. Visit to read the latest.

Update Citizens on Current Events

Update Citizens on Current Events

With social media sprinting ahead of local newspaper consumption, small towns and cities need to communicate local current events another way. You can send personalized flu shot clinic announcements, open voter registration information and city council meeting reminders through Red Oxygen's bulk messaging feature.

question icon
[Athens DPW] Due to snow removal needs, trash day's will be delayed one day. For more information city_hauling/#athens.

Issue Notifications on Behalf of Public Services

Issue Notifications on Behalf of Public Services

From trash removal to overdue to overdue parking fine reminders, SMS messages the best way to keep your citizen's engaged and informed.

Communicate Public Safety Issues 

This is a winter weather warning advisory. Expect extreme temperatures and ice. Avoid travel if possible.

Severe weather, public health concerns, and emergencies in progress require immediate communication. No one leaves home without their phones anymore, so an SMS text message is the most efficient means of communicating potential public safety hazards to residents regardless of where they are. 

Update Citizens on Current Events

Welcome to Town Tribune News Alerts, offering important local news and information via text. Visit to read the latest.

With social media sprinting ahead of local newspaper consumption, small towns and cities need to communicate local current events another way. You can send personalized flu shot clinic announcements, open voter registration information and city council meeting reminders through Red Oxygen's bulk messaging feature.

Issue Notifications on Behalf of Public Services

[Athens DPW] Due to snow removal needs, trash day's will be delayed one day. For more information city_hauling/#athens.

From trash removal to overdue to overdue parking fine reminders, SMS messages the best way to keep your citizen's engaged and informed.

Red Oxygen Makes Sending Government SMS Easy

Red Oxygen makes sending SMS texts simple, straightforward and fast. Once you download the appropriate software, you can send the messages straight from software that works with your computer’s web browser, email platform or .csv file. Log into your email or the Red Oxygen Web SMS site to send one or multiple messages.

Other messaging features include the ability to schedule, personalize and create auto-replies should someone respond to the message. All text responses arrive at a designated email address, which you can reply directly to via email or the Red Oxygen Web SMS site. This flexibility makes communicating with the public convenient and quick. If a recipient calls the phone number associated with the text, Red Oxygen can re-route the call to a designated cell phone or office number.

Book a Demo

Partner Program

Our white-label micro-billing system lets us do the work for you.


SMS Reliability

We can get your message out even if there's an SMS roadblock ahead.


API Capabilities

Integrate your existing software with our SMS gateway API.


Unlimited customer support

Phone, Chat or email, we're here for's free too.


Implement The

Connection Icon Best Government Texting Service Solution

Red Oxygen is here to serve government agencies in keeping citizens safe and well-informed. With a dedicated number that has city or town’s area code, enabling your staff and constituents the opportunity to save the number in their contacts so they can reach out to you when they need to. Should a message fail to go through, we will notify you. We then route messages through a backup provider if the preferred delivery channel has experienced an outage or is down for an extended period, ensuring your messages are delivered promptly. This effort helps you ensure your community is safe with relevant, engaging communication.

Start your free trial today! Do you have more questions? Let us know, and our team would love to help.

Try for Free!

No Matter What The Government Agency

We Have a Solution for You


Product Comparison

Red Oxygen’s
Email Solutions

Our products are available for use through email, through your browser, with a spreadsheet or an application programming interface (API). How do you want to send SMS?

Contact Red Oxygen

Send SMS from Outlook

Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

Office SMS

Send SMS Using Microsoft SMS

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

Office365 SMS

Send SMS From Gmail

Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

Gmail SMS

Send Bulk SMS

Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

Bulk SMS

Connect with our API to send SMS

Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

SMS Gateway API

Send SMS through a browser

Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.


Send SMS from Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

OfficeSMS 365 (beta)

Send SMS from Gmail

Text directly from your Gmail interface

Gmail SMS
  • Send SMS Through Email. Easy Peasy.

    Office SMS logo

    Send SMS from Outlook

    Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

    Office SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS Using Microsoft SMS

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    Office365 SMS
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS From Gmail

    Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

    Gmail SMS
  • Sending Texts In Bulk?

    Bulk SMS logo

    Send Bulk SMS

    Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

    Bulk SMS
    API SMS logo

    Connect with our API to send SMS

    Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

    SMS Gateway API
  • Never Want to Leave Your Browser?

    Web SMS logo

    Send SMS through a browser

    Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.

    Web SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS from Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    OfficeSMS 365 (beta)
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS from Gmail

    Text directly from your Gmail interface

    Gmail SMS
Article Image

In the press article

How Local Governments Can Better Utilize Text Messages

More and more, businesses are getting in on the short message service (SMS) action, using these quick messages to reach customers and prospects with meaningful marketing messages. There is no reason government agencies shouldn’t also be tapping into the benefits of texting.
Continue Reading>>

Read More In Press Articles!

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Need to see it to believe it?

Public Safety Weather Alert SMS

This is a winter weather warning advisory. Expect extreme temperatures and ice. Avoid travel if possible.

Local Current Events SMS

Welcome to [Town] News Alerts offering important local news and information via text. Visit [link] to read the latest.

Let's Get Started

SMS for Government

Enhance engagement and save time by tapping into our collection of ready-to-use SMS templates.

SMS Templates