SMS for Law Firms

Manage your firm's staff and streamline client communication with short message service (SMS) solutions from Red Oxygen. You can also connect with potential clients and generate leads with SMS. Red Oxygen has more than 20 years of experience helping law firms enhance their communications.

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Why Should Law Firms Use SMS?

Your clients’ legal needs are of the utmost importance to them. They need to know that your firm is working hard to solve their case and get them the desired results. Additionally, you need a way to keep in touch with them and ensure they receive and read your messages. SMS takes on many of the aspects of communication previously handled by email or phone, allowing you to better serve your clients and increase your client retention rate.

[Martinburg Law] Francis, We are looking forward to meeting you this Thursday at 10 am for your preliminary appointment. Please reply with C to confirm.

Schedule Client Appointments

Schedule Client Appointments

SMS takes the guesswork out of booking client appointments. Your administrative assistant doesn't have to go back and forth with clients on the phone, trying to find a date and time that works for both parties. You can text clients your calendar, and they can pick an appointment slot that works for them. They can also update their appointment time as needed. 

We have your settlement agreement ready for your review and signature. You can complete that online at Text me back with any questions.

Streamline Processes

Streamline Processes

You need a client signature as soon as possible. With SMS, you can send the client a quick message asking them to sign. You can also include a link to the document in the text so they don't have to click around to find it. 

Good Morning Team. We received a response from the court on our recent motion for the Goldberg case. Please review before our meeting this afternoon.

Organize Office Staff

Organize Office Staff

SMS solutions help keep everyone involved in a client's case on the same page. Each team member can access the text conversations and see when clients booked appointments and what their concerns are. You can also use SMS to message your team when needed, reminding them of upcoming meetings or court dates.

Schedule Client Appointments

[Martinburg Law] Francis, We are looking forward to meeting you this Thursday at 10 am for your preliminary appointment. Please reply with C to confirm.

SMS takes the guesswork out of booking client appointments. Your administrative assistant doesn't have to go back and forth with clients on the phone, trying to find a date and time that works for both parties. You can text clients your calendar, and they can pick an appointment slot that works for them. They can also update their appointment time as needed. 

Streamline Processes

We have your settlement agreement ready for your review and signature. You can complete that online at Text me back with any questions.

You need a client signature as soon as possible. With SMS, you can send the client a quick message asking them to sign. You can also include a link to the document in the text so they don't have to click around to find it. 

Organize Office Staff

Good Morning Team. We received a response from the court on our recent motion for the Goldberg case. Please review before our meeting this afternoon.

SMS solutions help keep everyone involved in a client's case on the same page. Each team member can access the text conversations and see when clients booked appointments and what their concerns are. You can also use SMS to message your team when needed, reminding them of upcoming meetings or court dates.

Why Law Firms Should Work With Red Oxygen

Convert more leads to clients with Red Oxygen’s SMS solutions for law firms. Our SMS services make it easier than ever to text clients. You can send messages from your email platform, spreadsheets or web browser.

We’ve designed our SMS solutions to be flexible, so you can adapt them to your firm’s unique needs. SMS scheduling simplifies the client appointment booking process, while dedicated numbers along with your company name included in the message allows every client to know it’s you. Our SMS is compatible with all major platforms, including Google and Office 365. These out-of-the-box solutions make it easy to add to your current tech-stack to take advantage of our SMS.

Book a Demo

20+ years of experience

The easiest way to send SMS from a computer for over two decades.


Free software, no-charge setup

No lock-in financial contract. Free cancellation anytime.


No programming needed

Browser and off-the-shelf options makes it easy to plug and play.


Unlimited customer support

Phone, Chat or email, we're here for's free too.


Benefits of

Connection Icon SMS Solutions for Law Firms

With SMS solutions from Red Oxygen, your law firm will enjoy multiple benefits. You can:

  • Simplify Remote Work Lawyers don’t always work from the office, and the administrative team may also work from home several times a week. Texting makes it easier to keep team members up to date no matter where they are working. SMS also lets law firms keep in touch with their attorneys when they are away from a computer or don’t have access to their email.
  • Improve Client Experience Whether they’re a prospective client or have signed a retainer, no one wants to feel like they are waiting for your firm to respond or that their case isn’t important to your firm. SMS lets you respond quickly to your clients, improving their experience and increasing their trust. Sending appointment reminders and follow-ups over text lets your clients know you’re taking care of them.
  • Eliminate Phone Tag Calling clients, witnesses and other lawyers can be inefficient. Your team ends up leaving a message and then waiting for the return phone call, which usually results in another message. With texting, clients, attorneys and witnesses can set up their own appointments. Give them access to your calendar so they can book depositions, consultations and other meetings with your team without waiting for a callback.
Try for Free!

No Matter the Size of Your Law Firm

We Have a Text Messaging Solution for You


Law Firm SMS Solutions From Red Oxygen

Red Oxygen offers simple and effective SMS solutions for law firms. Using our SMS capabilities, you can improve your firm’s customer service, client satisfaction and client retention rates. Contact us today to learn more.

Contact Red Oxygen

Send SMS from Outlook

Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

Office SMS

Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

Office365 SMS

Send SMS From Gmail

Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

Gmail SMS

Send Bulk SMS

Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

Bulk SMS

Connect with our API to send SMS

Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

SMS Gateway API

Send SMS through a browser

Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.


Send SMS from Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

OfficeSMS 365 (beta)

Send SMS from Gmail

Text directly from your Gmail interface

Gmail SMS
  • Send SMS Through Email. Easy Peasy.

    Office SMS logo

    Send SMS from Outlook

    Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

    Office SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    Office365 SMS
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS From Gmail

    Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

    Gmail SMS
  • Sending Texts In Bulk?

    Bulk SMS logo

    Send Bulk SMS

    Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

    Bulk SMS
    API SMS logo

    Connect with our API to send SMS

    Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

    SMS Gateway API
  • Never Want to Leave Your Browser?

    Web SMS logo

    Send SMS through a browser

    Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.

    Web SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS from Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    OfficeSMS 365 (beta)
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS from Gmail

    Text directly from your Gmail interface

    Gmail SMS

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Lawyer Appointment Confirmation SMS

Hello [NAME]! Thank you for contacting our law firm. We look forward to helping you with your legal needs. Please confirm your appointment with [ATTOURNEY NAME] on [DATE] at [TIME]. Text Yes to confirm. Need to make changes? Click here: [URL]

Lawyer Payment Reminder

Hello [NAME], A reminder that payment for your invoice [invoice number] is due in two days. A late fee of 10% is added if your payment isn't received by then. If you have already submitted payment, thank you. If not, please click here to review your payment options: [URL]. Please contact us with any questions. Thank you!

Let's Get Started

SMS Templates for Law Firms

Enhance engagement and save time by customizing messages for your clients with SMS templates.

SMS Templates

Need to see it to believe it?


Lawyer SMS FAQs

Is using SMS right for your law firm? The answers to some of our most frequently asked questions can help you decide.

Contact Us
Is it legal for me to text clients?

Yes, it is legal to send texts to your clients as long as they have opted-in to receive text messages from your firm. When onboarding new clients, always ask them if they’d like or prefer text message communication in addition to or instead of phone calls or emails.

Keep in mind that while it’s legal to text clients with their consent, it’s still best to avoid sending any personally identifiable or case-specific information to your clients over text. Instead, use SMS for scheduling, reminders and other administrative messages.

Should I text my clients from my personal phone?

Absoultely, Red Oxygen has multiple options for sending business SMS on a personal phone, but the difference is, you don’t use your personal phone number. When sending messages using an SMS provider, you can use a dedicated number that’s not your personal number, but that can be saved by your clients as a contact in their phones, so they can reach out to you, as well. 

Who can use law firm text messaging software?

Attorneys, paralegals and administrative assistants can use law firm text messaging software to communicate with clients. For example, an administrative assistant may send texts to clients to remind them to bring certain paperwork to an upcoming meeting, and keep them updated if a court room changes without notice. An attorney can message clients when they want to touch base about a case.

How can I integrate Red Oxygen with my law firm case management software?

Red Oxygen’s application programming interface (API) can easily connect with your law firm’s existing platforms and CRM. Our solution includes CRM integration capabilities with no hardware required.

Why use SMS communication for law firms?

There are several reasons to use SMS at your law firm. Sending texts makes it easy to confirm client appointments and remind clients of court dates, depositions and meetings. Clients can text their attorneys when they have questions or would like to schedule a meeting.