SMS for Utilities

Whether you provide water, gas or electricity, your customers want to know when something is going on with their utility provider. Short message service (SMS) lets utility companies send bulk messages to customers when needed, plus personalized messages about specific account details. Red Oxygen's SMS solutions help to improve customer experience and satisfaction. Learn more about how to make SMS features work for your utilities.

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Why Utility Companies Should Use SMS

As a utility provider for your municipality, you have thousands of customers to serve. Each of those users relies on your company for dependable services and prompt response when outages and other issues occur. During times of stress, high call volumes can strain your customer service team and make it difficult to get information through. SMS features let you send messages to many customers simultaneously, keeping people up-to-date throughout ongoing situations.

Hello Mac! Our crews will be working in your area tomorrow. Please expect electricity to be down from noon until 3 p.m. We will let you know when the power is restored.

Send Updates

Send Updates

Occasionally, you may need to plan outages so your crews can trim trees or repair the power lines. Text message updates let customers know when and how they will be affected by an outage, so they can plan accordingly. SMS can also alert customers to emergencies, such as a nearby gas leak or broken water main. Since the messages are sent using SMS, customers will receive them even if their power is out or they have no internet.

Hi Gian, You used more water than usual this week. Want to lower your water bill? Here are some tips for cutting water usage. 

Send High Usage Alerts

Send High Usage Alerts

A customer's utility usage may be higher than usual usage for many reasons. They might have had house guests or had a roommate move in. They might also have a problem, such as a hidden water leak. Sending high usage alerts notifies the customer and allows them to take action to lower their use and their energy bill if they wish. 

Hi Koen, Just a reminder your bill is due on 30th May 20XX. Please pay $1000 by then. Need help paying your bill? Reply to this message to learn about support options.

Send Payment Reminders

Send Payment Reminders

Increase on-time payment rates by sending reminders to customers when their bills are due. You can also help your customers by connecting them to resources such as utility grant programs for lower-income households.  Since the messages come through text, you can still communicate with your customers when their internet is out or if they don't have data plans on their mobile phones.

Send Updates

Hello Mac! Our crews will be working in your area tomorrow. Please expect electricity to be down from noon until 3 p.m. We will let you know when the power is restored.

Occasionally, you may need to plan outages so your crews can trim trees or repair the power lines. Text message updates let customers know when and how they will be affected by an outage, so they can plan accordingly. SMS can also alert customers to emergencies, such as a nearby gas leak or broken water main. Since the messages are sent using SMS, customers will receive them even if their power is out or they have no internet.

Send High Usage Alerts

Hi Gian, You used more water than usual this week. Want to lower your water bill? Here are some tips for cutting water usage. 

A customer's utility usage may be higher than usual usage for many reasons. They might have had house guests or had a roommate move in. They might also have a problem, such as a hidden water leak. Sending high usage alerts notifies the customer and allows them to take action to lower their use and their energy bill if they wish. 

Send Payment Reminders

Hi Koen, Just a reminder your bill is due on 30th May 20XX. Please pay $1000 by then. Need help paying your bill? Reply to this message to learn about support options.

Increase on-time payment rates by sending reminders to customers when their bills are due. You can also help your customers by connecting them to resources such as utility grant programs for lower-income households.  Since the messages come through text, you can still communicate with your customers when their internet is out or if they don't have data plans on their mobile phones.

Why Use Red Oxygen’s SMS Solution for Utility Companies

Support your customers and keep them informed with fast and efficient SMS software from Red Oxygen. Our SMS solutions allow you to send bulk messages using data from a .csv spreadsheet. You can also send personalized messages from a web browser or email.

Our SMS solution is capable of working with major platforms, including Gmail, Office 365 and Outlook. You can also set it up to work with your own software thanks to a robust application programming interface (API). Additional features include auto-replies, scheduled messages and call forwarding.

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We register your account and guide you to stay compliant.


Flexible Plans

No-obligation monthly plans with free trials.


International Scale

We deliver SMS internationally to places other providers can't.


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Connection Icon SMS for Utility Providers

Utility providers can leverage SMS features to simplify several essential tasks and improve the customer experience. Consider sending SMS texts to:

  • Send billing notifications: Many customers have opted for paperless billing, which means their utility bills can get lost in their inboxes, leading to late fees. A billing notice delivered through text message cuts through the noise, letting your users know when their bill is ready and giving them the amount due at a glance.
  • Provide customer service: If a utility customer has an issue, such as an electrical outage or reduced water pressure, they can request a repair service via SMS. Automated replies confirm the message has been received and streamline the process of setting up the service appointment.
  • Schedule contractors: Utility companies can also use SMS to manage employees and contractors who may be dispatched to repair an outage or inspect a meter. You can send texts to verify contractor availability and schedule appointments for them. You can also use text messages to inform them of any unique issues at a property, such as a fence or a dog.
Try for Free!
Payment Reminder SMS

Hi [NAME]! Just a reminder we'll be pulling payment for your bill on [DATE] for [$$$]. Click here [URL] to update your payment method if needed. Text STOP to unsubscribe

Past-Due Bill SMS

Hello [NAME]. Payment for your [BILL] was due [DATE]. Please click here [URL] to pay now to avoid a late fee and interest charges. Thank you! Need help paying your bill? Reply with HELP to learn about our aid programs.

Let's Get Started

SMS Templates for Utilities

Simplify outreach by tapping into our collection of ready-to-use SMS templates.

SMS Templates

No Matter the Size of Your Law Firm

We Have a Text Messaging Solution for You


Make the Most of SMS Software for Utility Companies

With Red Oxygen’s SMS solutions, your company can keep your customers in the loop and make users aware of high usage or outages that affect them. Streamline the billing and payment process and improve customer service with automated or personalized messages. Contact us today to learn more about how it works.

Contact Red Oxygen

Send SMS from Outlook

Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

Office SMS

Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

Office365 SMS

Send SMS From Gmail

Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

Gmail SMS

Send Bulk SMS

Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

Bulk SMS

Connect with our API to send SMS

Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

SMS Gateway API

Send SMS through a browser

Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.


Send SMS from Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

OfficeSMS 365 (beta)

Send SMS from Gmail

Text directly from your Gmail interface

Gmail SMS
  • Send SMS Through Email. Easy Peasy.

    Office SMS logo

    Send SMS from Outlook

    Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

    Office SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS Using Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    Office365 SMS
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS From Gmail

    Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

    Gmail SMS
  • Sending Texts In Bulk?

    Bulk SMS logo

    Send Bulk SMS

    Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

    Bulk SMS
    API SMS logo

    Connect with our API to send SMS

    Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

    SMS Gateway API
  • Never Want to Leave Your Browser?

    Web SMS logo

    Send SMS through a browser

    Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.

    Web SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS from Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    OfficeSMS 365 (beta)
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS from Gmail

    Text directly from your Gmail interface

    Gmail SMS

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