SMS for Education

Send & Receive Text Messages From Your Computer

Start Your Free Trial

Advantages of SMS Communications for Education

With Red Oxygen you can instantly send messages to students and staff about school-wide information or send personalized messages to each class, student and parent. From student recruitment to housing notifications and everything in between.  We have you covered.

[AP BIO 101] Class will be held in the quad next week, meet by the frog statue.

Send Assignment and Event Reminders

Send Assignment and Event Reminders

Students have a lot on their minds these days, and teachers don't like to waste time. Send reminder messages to the full class roster at one time, from a spreadsheet, no less. How easy is that?

Severe weather alert. All evening classes have been cancelled. Visit for full details.

Delays and Closure Notifications

Delays and Closure Notifications

Sending out delay and closure notifications can be as easy as taking a snow day itself. With text notifications, your students and teachers can immediately know about delays and closures. Plus, you won’t wake up the whole house with a phone call in the middle of the night.

[Student Living] One-time passcode, will expire in 20 mins: 34T782

Keep Your Students and Their Identities Safe

Keep Your Students and Their Identities Safe

C'mon, all the cool kids are doing it.
2FA, two-factor authentication.
Signing in to change their class schedule or see how many credits they have left for the dining hall...these access points should be as secure as logging into your bank account. You don't want people stealing information from the 'permanent records'.

Send Assignment and Event Reminders

[AP BIO 101] Class will be held in the quad next week, meet by the frog statue.

Students have a lot on their minds these days, and teachers don't like to waste time. Send reminder messages to the full class roster at one time, from a spreadsheet, no less. How easy is that?

Delays and Closure Notifications

Severe weather alert. All evening classes have been cancelled. Visit for full details.

Sending out delay and closure notifications can be as easy as taking a snow day itself. With text notifications, your students and teachers can immediately know about delays and closures. Plus, you won’t wake up the whole house with a phone call in the middle of the night.

Keep Your Students and Their Identities Safe

[Student Living] One-time passcode, will expire in 20 mins: 34T782

C'mon, all the cool kids are doing it.
2FA, two-factor authentication.
Signing in to change their class schedule or see how many credits they have left for the dining hall...these access points should be as secure as logging into your bank account. You don't want people stealing information from the 'permanent records'.

Red Oxygen, Making School SMS Easy

Integrate Red Oxygen into your school communication system and processes to make communicating with your students, faculty and staff effortless.

With our easily-to-integrate API, send SMS directly from your student database. Or utilize the no-developer-needed Bulk SMS to send from the PTA’s spreadsheet. Either way you can personalize your messages, create templates and receive replies directly to your inbox, making it easy to store for reference later in your Outlook or Gmail folders.

Book a Demo


Explore dozens of features to personalize your business.


10DLC Registration Support

We register your account and guide you to stay compliant.


Flexible Plans

No-obligation monthly plans with free trials.


International Scale

We deliver SMS internationally to places other providers can't.


More Ways to:

Connection Icon Use SMS For Education

  • Provide Student Absence NotificationsSending parents texts is a discrete way to inform them when their middle or high schooler may be missing school without their permission. You can also use student absence notifications to let parents know how many total days students have been absent or if they need a doctor’s note to come back to school.
  • Create Student Advisor Meeting Reminders And Tutoring HotlinesAdvisor meetings to help students with next semester’s class schedule or scheduling with a tutor are monumental steps toward success for many students. SMS text reminders are a perfect way to do this. A student and their phone are rarely separated, so there are no excuses.
Try for Free!

From Community College to Ivy League

We Have a Solution for You

  • Auburn University Loo
  • Belmont University Logo
  • SMu Logo
  • Staffordshire University logo
  • Univertisy of Canberra Logo
  • University of louisville Logo
  • Auburn University Loo
  • Belmont University Logo
  • SMu Logo
  • Staffordshire University logo
  • Univertisy of Canberra Logo
  • University of louisville Logo

Product Comparison

Red Oxygen’s
Email Solutions

Our products are available for Office, Outlook, Google, application programming interfaces (APIs) and spreadsheets.

Contact Red Oxygen

Send SMS from Outlook

Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

Office SMS

Send SMS Using Microsoft SMS

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

Office365 SMS

Send SMS From Gmail

Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

Gmail SMS

Send Bulk SMS

Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

Bulk SMS

Connect with our API to send SMS

Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

SMS Gateway API

Send SMS through a browser

Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.


Send SMS from Microsoft 365

Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

OfficeSMS 365 (beta)

Send SMS from Gmail

Text directly from your Gmail interface

Gmail SMS
  • Send SMS Through Email. Easy Peasy.

    Office SMS logo

    Send SMS from Outlook

    Works w/ Microsoft Outlook 2003-19 & the Microsoft 365 Outlook app

    Office SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS Using Microsoft SMS

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    Office365 SMS
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS From Gmail

    Send SMS directly from your Gmail interface on a computer or Android phone

    Gmail SMS
  • Sending Texts In Bulk?

    Bulk SMS logo

    Send Bulk SMS

    Personalize, create templates and send them all at once

    Bulk SMS
    API SMS logo

    Connect with our API to send SMS

    Configure our API with your existing software or CRM

    SMS Gateway API
  • Never Want to Leave Your Browser?

    Web SMS logo

    Send SMS through a browser

    Log in from any device through any browser. No installation required.

    Web SMS
    OfficeSMS 365 logo

    Send SMS from Microsoft 365

    Use this add-on to send SMS through Outlook on a browser

    OfficeSMS 365 (beta)
    Gmail SMS logo

    Send SMS from Gmail

    Text directly from your Gmail interface

    Gmail SMS
Class Reminder SMS

Hi [NAME]! Another semester is about to start! You're signed up for [CLASS NAME] at [TIME] with [PROFESSOR NAME]. Does that look right? Text YES to confirm or NO to make changes. Text STOP to unsubscribe

School Closure SMS

Due to forecasted snow and ice, [SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME] will be closed today. All after-school activities are canceled, too. Classes are expected to resume tomorrow. Thank you and enjoy the snow day!

Let's Get Started

SMS Templates for Schools

Enhance engagement and save time by customizing messages for your students, parents, and staff with SMS templates.

SMS Templates
Article Image

In the press article

8 Reasons To Send College Students More Text Messages

Most colleges and universities have tapped into short message service (SMS) text messaging as a means to reach students. Somewhat shockingly, however, they’re still leaving valuable communication opportunities on the table.
Continue Reading>>

Read More In Press Articles!

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Need to see it to believe it?


Education SMS FAQ

Interested in using SMS at your school but want to learn more about how it works? Check out our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about education SMS.

Contact Us
What is SMS for school?

Short message service is the standard text messaging format. SMS for school refers to any type of text messaging sent by educational institutions, whether to students, parents or faculty members. Using SMS, your school can keep everyone up to date on school closures or delayed openings. 

Why send school SMS messages?

SMS has multiple benefits for educators. The messages make it easy to keep everyone in the loop. Your school no longer needs to rely on phone chains to share important, time-sensitive information with students or employees. You can send a single bulk message and feel confident that everyone will be informed.

At the classroom level, SMS has a lot to offer teachers. Teachers can send text messages to their students to remind them of upcoming due dates. They can also message parents to set up conferences or express concern about a student’s classroom performance. 

With Red Oxygen’s 2-way texting, students can reach out to teachers and advisors with concerns and questions, as well.

Who can use text messaging for schools?

Many different individuals and groups can use SMS for schools:

  • Teachers can use texting to communicate directly with students and parents. 
  • School administrators can send text messages with important updates or closure information. 
  • Cafeteria directors can send out updated menus. 
  • The PTA president can use text messages to recruit volunteers for events or encourage parents to join. 
  • The school facilities manager can reach out to their janitors to make sure supplies are in stock.

There are so many things to text about, with so many different, important areas of a school it would be impossible to list them all. But communicating with your team where they are, saves time and energy, while keeping the school running smoothly.

What are the school text message privacy laws?

Schools should take students’ privacy seriously, so it’s important to understand and follow privacy laws regarding text messaging. Be sure to get student or parent consent before sending any text messages. Also, be careful with the information you send via text message. Since text messaging isn’t a secure communication format, you don’t want to send any personally identifiable information or details about students’ grades or performance via text.

How can I integrate Red Oxygen with my education CRM?

Red Oxygen has made it easy for schools to adopt text messaging. You can use our software with your existing email service or through a web browser. Using our gateway API, you can connect our solution to your existing CRM, uploading contact and distribution lists to send bulk SMS messages with ease.

Why use SMS communication for schools?

Whether your school has just a few hundred students or is a massive university, SMS makes it easy to keep people informed. It works at the classroom level so teachers can share information with their students, and it also offers capabilities at the institutional level. Administrators can share important updates and policy information with anyone connected to the institution.